Entrance of groom and guests:
Arioso- Bach (cello!)
Moonlight Sonata- Beethoven
“Canon” de Pachelbel - this we actually played at the wedding, and I loved it
'Fur Elise'- Beethoven
“Hornpipe” de Haendel
[more suggestions, but that weren't really that appealing: “Marcha del Príncipe de Dinamarca” de Clarke, “Pompa y Circunstancia” de Elgar, “Trumpet Tune” de Purcell, “Música Acuática” de Haendel]
Entrance of the bride(instrumental):
The Bridal Chorus - Richard Wagner (flute, harp, bass; oboe) "here comes the bride"
“Canticorum Jubilo” de Haendel
“Entrada de la Reina de Saba” de Haendel
“Marcha Triunfal” de Haendel
“Pastoral Symphony” de Haendel
“Gloria in excelsis” de Vivaldi
Responsorial Psalm:
Lord of all Hopefulness – Traditional Hymn (guitar)Wherever You Go - Gregory Norbert (harp, violin; flute) (the one we sang at the wedding)
You are Mine - David Hass (one of my favorites of all)
I Have Loved You - Michael Joncas (harp, violin; cello)
Offertory Song:
Grow Old Along with Me - John Lennon (guitar)One Hand, One Heart - Leonard Bernstein (harp, flute; cello)
Communion Song:
We Come to Your Feast – Michael Joncas (guitar)The Gift of Love - Traditional (guitar, flute, cello; violin)
Communion Mediation:
Ave Maria - Franz Schubert (harp, cello; violin)Recessional Music for the Bride and the Groom:
The Wedding March - Felix Mendelssohn (flute, cello; violin)Additional Hymns that I love:
Responsorial Psalms:
You are Mine - David HassThe Lord is Kind and Merciful - David Haas
Communion or Offertory Songs:
The Prayer - Sager/FosterI Dreamed of You - Ann Hampton Callaway
Let There Be Peace on Earth – Miller/Jackson
How Great Thou Art – Stuart K. Hine
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring - J. S. Bach
Panis Angelicus – Ceasar Frank
The Convent Hymn- Gary Daigle
“Kyrie” (Misa Brevis, Sanctis Joannis de Deo, Hob XXII:7) de Haydn
“Kyrie” (Misa Brevis, K.258) de Mozart
“Kyrie” (Misa de Coronación, K.317) de Mozart
“Kyrie” (Misa Brevis, K.192) de Mozart
“Befield du deine wege” de Bach
“Bist du bie mir” de Bach
“Domine Deus” de Vivaldi
“How beautiful are the feet” de Haendel
“Laudamis Te” de Vivaldi
“Ombra mai fu” de Haendel
“Sicut Locutus est” de Vivaldi
ALELUYA: cantando (sólo si hay dos lecturas)
“Benedicat Vobis” de Haendel
“Aleluya” (Mesías) de Haendel
“Aleluya” (Exultate, Jubilate Allegro 2º, K.165) de Mozart
“Aleluya” (O God, thou art my God, Z.35) de Purcell
“Aleluya” de Willcocks
“Adagio” (Concierto de Aranjuez) de Rodrigo
“Aria” de Bach
“Glory to God in the high est” de Haendel
“Jubilate” de Làzlò
“Laudamus te del Gloria” de Vivaldi
“Ombra mai fu” de Haendel
“Regina Coeli” de Aichinger
OFERTORIO: generalmente se canta/toca el Ave María.
“Ave María” de Schubert ó de Caccini ó de Bach
“Laudate Dominum” de Haendel
“Ombra mai fu” de Haendel
“Panis Angélicus” de Franc
“Heilig, Heilig, Heilig” (Misa Alemana) de Schubert
“Sanctus” (Misa Brevis, K.258) de Mozart
“Sanctus” (Misa de Coronación) de Mozart
“Sanctus” (Misa de Réquiem) de Cherubini
“Adagio” de Albinoni
“Air” de Bach
“Canon & Guide” de Pachelbel
“Meditación de Tahís” de Massenet
PAZ: no se suele cantar
“Barcarolle” de Offenbach
“Befield du deine wege” de Bach
“Dona Nobis” de Mozart
“Dúo de las Flores” de Délibes
“Laudate Dominum” de Haendel
“Jesús, bleibet meine Fraude” de Bach
“Minueto de la pequeña serenata nocturna” de Mozart
“Agnus Dei” de Barber
“Ave Verum Corpus” de Mozart
“A Payer” (Largo de Xerxes) de Haendel
“Benedictus” de Schubert
“Die Schöpfung” de Haydn
“Domine Deus del Gloria” de Vivaldi
“Jesús bleibet meine Fraude” de Bach
“Laudamus te del Gloria” de Vivaldi
“Locus Iste” de Bruckner
“O Salutaris Hostia” de Beethoven
“¡Oh, que buen Pastor!” Maestro Vargas
“Pan Divino Gracioso” de F. Guerrero
“Recuerdos de la Alambra” de Tarrega
“Sound the Trumpet” de Purcell
“A Payer” (Largo de Xerxes) de Haendel
“Barcarolle” de Offenbach
“Canon” de Pachelbel
“Caro mio ben” de Giordani
“Danza de los espíritus bienaventurados” de Gluck
“Dúo de las flores” de Débiles
“Intermezzo” de Mascagni
“Lakmé dúo de las Flores” de Delibes
“La Rejouissance” de Haendel
“Marcha del Judas Maccabaeus” de Haendel
“Meditación de Tahís” de Massenet
“O del mió dolce ardor” de Gluck
“Va Pensiero” de Verdi
“Aleluya” de Haendel ó de Mozart
“And the glory of the Lord” de Haendel
“Gloria in Excelsis Deo” de Vivaldi
“Marcha Nupcial” de Mendelssohn ó Wagner
“Música Acuática” de Haendel
“Tolite Hostias et adorate” de Saint Saëns
“Trumpet Tune” de Purcell
more links:
Shakespeare in Love
One of my musicians arranged all the music from the movie Shakespeare in Love for one of my clients. The Bride used it as her processional and recessional music. The bride also included the sonnets of Shakespeare in her ceremony.
One of my musicians arranged all the music from the movie Shakespeare in Love for one of my clients. The Bride used it as her processional and recessional music. The bride also included the sonnets of Shakespeare in her ceremony.
Songs used in Broadway Theme Weddings:
I Have Dreamed - The King and I
Follow the Rainbow - Finnegan Rainbow
Unexpected Song - Unexpected Song
All I Ask of You - Phantom of the Opera
Day by Day - God spell
Edelweiss - Sound of Music
Climb Every Mountain - Sound of Music
My Favorite Things – Sound of Music
Oh What a Beautiful Morning - Oklahoma
Night and Day by Cole Porter
I Have Dreamed - The King and I
Follow the Rainbow - Finnegan Rainbow
Unexpected Song - Unexpected Song
All I Ask of You - Phantom of the Opera
Day by Day - God spell
Edelweiss - Sound of Music
Climb Every Mountain - Sound of Music
My Favorite Things – Sound of Music
Oh What a Beautiful Morning - Oklahoma
Night and Day by Cole Porter
Christmas Wedding
Processional Music for the Bride
Overture to The Messiah - Handel
And the Glory of the Lord from The Messiah - Handel
Dance of the Reed Flutes from The Nutcracker - Tchaikovsky
Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker - Tchaikovsky
Overture to The Messiah - Handel
And the Glory of the Lord from The Messiah - Handel
Dance of the Reed Flutes from The Nutcracker - Tchaikovsky
Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker - Tchaikovsky
Recessional Music for the Bride
Joy to the World - Handel
Halleluiah Chorus from The Messiah - Handel
March from The Nutcracker - Tchaikovsky
Chinese Dance from The Nutcracker - Tchaikovsky
Joy to the World - Handel
Halleluiah Chorus from The Messiah - Handel
March from The Nutcracker - Tchaikovsky
Chinese Dance from The Nutcracker - Tchaikovsky
“And the glory of the Lord” de Haendel
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